Arizona State University (ASU) in partnership with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and Northern Arizona University (NAU) has been commissioned by the Arizona Board of Regents to examine current waste characteristics and logistics of waste flow as well as the economic impact and future economic potential of the recycling industry in Arizona.
This study details recycling options for Arizona and highlights the challenges and opportunities for each community across the State. In the public sector, regional-scale zero waste and circular economy initiatives are starting to take hold in the U.S., mirroring similar trends in European regions. These initiatives range from regional collaboration on materials marketplaces to regional materials recovery industrial parks to integrated solid waste management systems at county and regional scales.
A region-wide approach creates benefits from economies of scale and the associated bargaining power to attract end market processors and producers, pooling of limited resources of multiple municipal and county governments to share risk and responsibility while more effectively addressing solid waste issues and allowing for region-wide efficiencies in developing interventions and market-driven opportunities.
Links to Resources
Arizona cities struggle to maintain recycling programs because of high costs
Posted April 21, 2023 | UPDATED on November 22, 2023 AZ Central, Environment | Clara Migoya Read the full article here. …Many communities in Arizona lack recycling services. A big factor in the decline…
Don’t Trash Recycling – The Arizona Republic
Printed TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022 | Alison Steinbach Arizona Republic | USA TODAY NETWORK Download the full article PDF here. “If we’re going to make a difference for generations to…