Opportunities to Work and Study with CSIL

Please see the NAU Human Resources website (https://in.nau.edu/human-resources/) for current full-time position openings; we often search for postdocs and full-time soft money research scientists.

Courses and Curricula

Faculty Sabbatical, EPSCoR, and Fulbright Fellows

  • Junior Faculty from U.S. EPSCoR States are eligible to apply to their home State's EPSCoR Program Office's Research Fellows program, funding up to 6 months of collaboration at a FEWSION partner institution.
  • Fulbright Scholars from non-U.S. countries are invited to study with a FEWSION partner.
  • Faculty on Sabbatical are invited to study with a FEWSION partner.
  • Come hang out with us in Flagstaff, AZ! The perfect place to be a visiting scientist.

Student and Staff Work Opportunities

Student Assistance Resource Links

Explore our current portfolio of helpful pathways for students through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (OURCA) from faculty mentorship and funding through a wide variety of opportunities, including Interns-to-ScholarsHooper Undergraduate Research AwardShuler Research Mini GrantsUrdea Undergraduate Research AwardsResearch Assistant Mentoring Program, and Student Travel Awards.

Northern Arizona University’s School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems (SICCS) is recruiting Ph.D. students with Research Assistantships. Study Food, Water, and Energy Systems resilience, Systems Engineering, Ecological Informatics, Citizen Science, and Data Science in an interdisciplinary Informatics graduate program, alongside the CSIL staff and FEWSION project scientists, in beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona. Ecological Informatics students entering the SICCS PhD program in upcoming years have the opportunity to participate in a world-class National Research Traineeship (NRT) cohort. Allied graduate programs and centers at NAU provide additional collaborative and degree opportunities, including the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (Ecoss) and the School of Earth and Sustainability (SES). Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. NAU offers a world-class collaborative environment in Informatics, Data Science, and Ecology.

Northern Arizona University launched the Presidential Fellowship Program (PFP) in 2015 and offers generous support packages to the most highly qualified incoming Ph.D. students.  The fellowship awards consist of a graduate assistantship stipend, a supplemental fellowship stipend offering a world-class rate of pay, full tuition remission, major medical insurance benefits, and annual professional development funding.  Awards are renewable for up to four years. Presidential Fellows need to be nominated early in the application cycle, so submit inquiries to Ben Ruddell early in the Fall.

Current graduate students of Hydrology should consider applying for the CUAHSI Pathfinder Fellowship to visit CSIL in beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona and develop a novel collaborative interdisciplinary research project utilizing FEWSION project data. This program will cover travel and living expenses for roughly a month-long visit. Late summer and winter break are a good time to visit, as is the Fall semester for students who do not currently have coursework.

Self-funded Professional M.S. students in the Engineering College are also welcome, and we consider funding exceptional Thesis-track M.S. students in the School of Earth and Sustainability on a case by case basis. Contact the FEWSION Project Office at FEWSION@nau.edu with inquiries. The final application deadline is in mid-January, but you should inquire and apply immediately for full consideration on fellowship and teaching assistantship opportunities. See the SICCS website for more information.

We hire exceptional Undergraduate Software Developers and for work on mobile apps, websites, databases, and sensor systems, for hourly paid internships. Join us for a paid internship and Undergraduate Research Experience, and learn the ropes!

Undergraduate NAU Interns to Scholars (I2S) applicants can apply for paid work on a research project. https://nau.edu/undergraduate-research/i2s-faculty-information/

Campus Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Up to $1,500/semester in the AY and up to $4,000 for an optional summer in stipend funding for NAU Undergraduates who want to work on a research project. https://cra.org/cra-wp/creu/

Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Up to $7,000 in stipend funding and necessary relocation travel expenses during the summer for Undergraduates enrolled outside NAU. https://cra.org/cra-wp/dreu/#overview

Recommended Courses

  • The Flux Course
  • New Advances in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling
  • NAU GLG451: Hydrogeology
  • NAU EES680: Earth & Environmental Data Analysis
  • NAU EES521: Remote Sensing
  • NAU ENV599: Water Resource Policy & Management
  • NAU INF550: Survey in ecological data collection tools
  • NAU INF622: Informatics for Smart & Sustainable Cities
  • NAU INF523: Informatics for Community Food, Energy, and Water Systems
  • NAU STA 578: Statistical Computing
  • NAU INF511: Modern Regression
  • NAU INF599: Writing Scientific Papers
  • NAU INF620: Topics in Remote Sensing (Earth Observation Research and Applications for the Next Decade)
  • NAU Bruce Hungate's Science Communication Course


Contact the Complex Systems Informatics Laboratory at the NAU School of Informatics, Computing & Cyber Systems if your passion lies in making a difference in the field of Informatics.