Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education

This collaborative project, involving Purdue University, Arizona State University and Carleton College, is funded by the National Science Foundation's TUES program. A broad goal of this project is to develop a collaborative cyber environment for instructors to enable the development and publication of teaching modules incorporating exploratory data analysis and modeling tools. It is expected that these modules will improve comprehension, retention, and depth of intuitive understanding of both the fundamentals and applications of hydrology. This system is utilized for training materials by CUAHSI’s Water Data Center.

Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education illustration

Links to Resources

SERC Hydroinformatics Website
CUAHSI Water Data Portal


Sponsors and Funding

NSF ACI-1041365, DUE-1043980 – Collaborative Research: CI-TEAM Demonstration Project: WaterHUB for Cyber-Enabled Training, Education and Research in Water Resources, National Science Foundation


Contact the Complex Systems Informatics Laboratory at the NAU School of Informatics, Computing & Cyber Systems if your passion lies in making a difference in the field of Informatics.